
Ugens profil // Veronicca Popova

Interview med bloggeren Veronicca Popova

This Tuesday feels awfully a lot like a Monday cliché 🤔☁️Hope you are kicking ass today 🦁#tuesdayblues

Et opslag delt af Veronicca (@veroniccapopova) den

Ugens profil er livsstils bloggeren, Veronicca Popova, som oprindeligt er fra Bulgarien, men flyttede til Aalborg for at studere Digital Concept Development. Veronicca er 23 år, og gæsteblogger også på, hvor hun blogger på engelsk, om byen og hendes eget liv i et nyt land og en anden kultur end hun er vant til. Udover det har Veronicca en Instagram-account med meget inspirerende og flotte billeder af hende selv, lækre madbilleder, café ture, rejser og outfits. Nu arbejder Veronicca som e-commerce manager og har bloggen ved siden af hendes job.

Vi har interviewet Veronicca om hendes blogging, drømme og næste eventyr. Læs med her for at lære hende bedre at kende:

" (...) I like to go out, spend time with friends, meet new people, visit places I have never been before. I like to read technology news, catch up on my favorite Youtubers and go through social media drama."


1. Hvem er du? Hvad laver du? Hvor er du lokaliseret?

"Hey, my name is Veronika, and I am a 23years old digital marketeer living in Aalborg."

2. Beskriv dig selv med 3 ord:

"This is a hard one :D. I feel like no matter what I say it will sound like I am super self-obsessed. But here it goes: Kind, social, funny"


3. I hvor lang tid har du blogget og hvornår startede du?

"I have been blogging for less than an year. I have always loved blogging, and have followed many bloggers for years. The idea of creating an online community through blogging is something I really like. As well as just meeting new likeminded people, sharing and hopefully making someone’s day better :)."


4. Hvad er dit næste eventyr?

"I really don’t know actually, there is a lot of uncertainty in my life right now, but hopefully it includes lot’s of giggles and happy faces :)."

5. Hvad er dit næste køb?

"Well it’s not an exciting one, but I want to buy a clothes steamer, as I forgot mine in the hotel where we had our summer vacation. So typical of me …"


6. Nævn én ting folk ikke ved om dig og hvorfor?

"That I didn’t leave my home country because I don't like it there. The only reason I left was because I wanted to speak in English, sounds pretty silly but it’s the case. And I like to share this as there is a lot of misconceptions like that when you are a foreigner :) . But yes, I think Bulgaria is a really lovely place, and I didn’t leave because I don’t like it there :) ."


7. Hvad er din 'guilty pleasure'?

"Oh they are so many… But if I have to name one, it could be Die Antwoord, but really the actual list is long :D."

8. Hvad elsker du mest ved dig selv?

"By default I am very positive and optimistic. I really like that. "


9. Hvem ser du op til eller sammenligner dig selv med?

"I try not to compare myself to anyone as it can be a pretty dangerous game :) But there are many people I look up to and get inspired daily :) usually creators, artists or entrepreneurs."

10. Hvad er din største drøm?

"My biggest dream is to be an independent business owner and to make a living doing something I love."


Du kan følge Veronicca på hendes egen blog her eller følge hendes egen Instagram her: veroniccapopova

Ugens profil // Veronicca Popova
Ugens profil // Veronicca Popova

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